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Ropartz Sigismond-Jean-Pélage


Sigismond-Jean-Pélage Ropartz born in Guingamp on 9th March 1823, died suddenly on 18th April 1878 at the age of 55 years. He is buried in the cemetery of Mauron. A well-read lawyer and musician, he recorded the tunes of the added portions to the Barzaz Breiz by its author Hersart de la Villemarqué. He published  'Guingamp, a study for the history of the Third Estate in Brittany', and other works. He is the father of the musician Joseph-Guy Ropartz, born in Guingamp on 14h June 1864 and deceased in his Château de Lanloup (Côtes du Nord) on 22nd November 1955. 


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